So yesterday I caused a twitter frenzy with my Traci feat. Jay-Z Remix tweet.
I was watching Jay perform during an NBA Concert (rerun) and he
starts to rap 99 problems. As I'm listening of course I'm always
designing. I'm rapping along with him and I love to change the words
to make them my own.
In doing so,
DESIGN AIN'T ONE" was created.
I decided to tweet my phrase and a few people RT'd and some
even added their own twist to it.
Someone even chimed in with their electric guitar!
So now that you have the background on where my phrase came
from, you can view and enjoy a few things I've designed besides
my EAR-replaceable Accessories. Enjoy!
For you Jay-Z fans you'll recognize some of my
REMIXED lines below.
Understand the CREATIVITY that Traci has...
(handmade Birthday Cards)
(Basketball Tix Birthday Invitations)
The year is 2010 and my line is raw
I know it's tempting, but...
You gon need my permission to copy that.
(Custom Shirt Design)
(Creative food as well)
I didn't take the Bar but I know a lil bit
enough that you can't illegally PLAGIARIZE my ish.
If you having DESIGN problems I feel bad for you hun,
I got 99 problems but DESIGN ain't one. HIT ME.
Follow us on twitter
Rated RAU(Raw And Uncensored)
Designing with you Soon,
Design Chemist